Wednesday 22 August 2007

Taking it easy

Well, this time in exactly two weeks I shall be at Heathrow waiting for our flight to Nairobi. It's nice having a bank holiday weekend coming up to give me some relaxation and preparation time before we start the final countdown!

I have decided to stop training now and take things a bit easy for the last couple of weeks before we head off. I was pushing myself a bit too hard I think with trying to build my aerobic capacity. I was doing pretty well and am quite happy with my fitness, but it's starting to tell on me a bit and I've got various aches and pains now, so a couple of weeks rest should be beneficial.

I guess my main worry is my achilles tendons which have been sore for a long time. I've not had any difficulty in doing long walks in preparation, but I really don't know what it will be like with walking for six full days in a row. Hopefully a combination of using heel lifts and taking it steady should do the trick, but I've stocked up on Ibruprofen just in case.

Anyway, on the bright side, the Watford Observer contacted me again wanting a pictures of me with children in Kenya. I found a few, but I have to say none of them are great. Trouble is I am usually the one pointing the camera - and I don't like having my picture taken!


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