Sunday 29 July 2007

Back in action!

Well, here I am back from my holiday - rested, refreshed and ready to get going with Mount Kenya preparation again! I've had a great time just lazing around on the beach and doing as little as possible over the past couple of weeks, so I think getting back into the gym is going to be a challenge in itself!

While I've been away I have been really pleased with the continued giving and I have now nearly reached my revised fund-raising target of £4000 - so thank you to everyone who has given so far, it really is very encouraging. However, there's still 5 weeks to go until the challenge which gives me plenty of time to raise even more! I would really like to hit £5000 if possible, so please pass the word. People have been very generous so far and it really will make a huge difference to so many children if I can raise even more.

Justgiving have a new 'widget' for showing how much I have raised so far and I think it's pretty cool. I've posted it at the bottom of the side panel, so please take a look and please let me know if you have any trouble with it.

Anyway, that's it for now - I just wanted to let you know I'm back in action. Watch this space for more updates soon.


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