Friday 13 July 2007

Time for a break - but first...

Summer holidays are upon us and I'm taking a break in the sun :o) But before I go, a couple of random thoughts to share with you.

That picture

Several people have asked me if I have been up Mount Kenya before because of my picture standing in front of the mountain. Alas, the answer is no - I just had a bit of fun with a graphics editor. It's actually a picture of me walking my dog (Barney) in Yorkshire which I cut and pasted into a photo of the mountain. If you look closely you can see that the shadows are wrong because on me the sun is from the front, but on the mountain it is from the right. You have to look closely though and I was pretty pleased with the outcome. Here's the before and after pictures...

Bob and Barney in Yorkshire Bob and Mount Kenya

You can click on these pictures to see larger versions.


I've had a great week of fundraising, for which I am incredibly grateful. I think I have raised something like £2500 in the week - which is fantastic. I'm really close to my £3000 target now and there's still 8 weeks to go. I think I will move the goal-posts and up my target as I am feeling very optimistic about raising more. Thanks for your wonderful support, but if you've not given yet please do give as I'd love to raise as much as possible. Follow the link on the right to my justgiving page, or click here. Thank you!

OK, that's it for now. I'm off to Manchester first thing in the morning for our Vision Africa AGM and then it's time to pack my holiday bags, so no more blog updates for a couple of weeks.


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