Saturday 23 June 2007

So, how did we get here?

A brief history of how we came to be trekking up Mount Kenya.
In 2004 I was approached by Trailblazers, part of the Saltmine trust specialising in sponsored challenges, to see if we would be interested in running a challenge. At the time it was just too ambitious for us to run a dedicated trek, so we decided to play it safe and join a shared challenge - the 2005 Zambezi River challenge. Three of our supporters, Karl, Chris and Frank, signed up and between them raised a magnificent amount of money - enough to build a new Seed of Hope Centre and A Nursery School at Orogare! Quite amazing.

The pattern was set. Following the Zambezi adventure we decided to 'go large' and work with Trailblazers on our own bespoke challenge. When asked what we would like to do the choice to climb Mount Kenya seemed obvious. When you fly into Nairobi you can see the Mountain sticking up out of the clouds. Our childen's home in Riandu is in the foothills of Mount Kenya, which you can see clearly on a nice day. So last year we took the plunge and decided to go ahead with the Trek.

It has been a long and slow process since then, working with Trailblazers to sort out the logistics and itinerary and on publicity etc. to try to get folks signed up. To be honest I think I underestimated how difficult it would be to get enough people on board to make it happen. Then Trailblazers approached me and said the the Church Mission Society (CMS) also wanted to do a trek up Mount Kenya and would we join forces. Well, this was a great opportunity for us as it meant that between us we ought to be able to rustle up the minimum number required to make it happen (eight people). As it happens we now have nine and there's half a dozen CMS people too, so we are in pretty good shape - although I had a few restless nights worring about getting here.

The folks at Trailblazers have been great, very encouraging in their support and in working with us and World Expeditions to come up with a bespoke itinerary. It means that we will be able to visit several of our projects on the way to and from the mountain. Now it's getting closer I can't wait. I've paid my money, started my training and started to collect sponsors. Now where's that huge list of equipment I need to get...?

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