Wednesday 27 June 2007

The Briefing Day

Having spent so much time and effort in organising the challenge, it was finally time to gather challenge participants together and brief them on what they had let themselves in for! So, one sunny Saturday not so long ago we all headed to Dudley to meet up and find out what the big deal was.

Well, when I say we all headed to Dudley - actually a handful of us did. A number of folks couldn't make it on the day and I was beginning to think that the briefing would have to be cancelled! However, we just about made enough numbers and so off we went.

The day was really interesting. First of all because it was a great opportunity to meet with fellow trekkers and get to know each other a little. We had quite a diverse bunch which was very nice to see; and I was encouraged because there were a couple of folks with CMS that made me look very young and fit!

Down to preparation... The guys from Trailblazer went over a mountain (very appropriate) of information with us. Everything from passports and visas, to sleeping bags and boots. It's actually a bit daunting seeing how much kit we have to get into a rucksack weighing no more than 15kg - another challenge!

A key part of preparation is fitness as we will be trekking for up to 8 hours a day for 6 full days at altitude. I've been going to the gym a couple of times a week and walking the dog at weekends for years now, so I'm not overly concerned about this. However, I decided it's time to step up the amount of aerobic exercise and worry a bit less about weights. So lots of step exercise and running/walking uphill. I've also tried doing a couple of long walks of about 10 miles wearing my boots. So far so good, but I've got a weekend in Wales coming up in a couple of weeks which should help a little as I get to grips with walking uphill and down vale.

Of course, the main purpose for the trek is to raise money. We covered quite a lot of information and helpful tips for fundraising. All I have to do now is get on with it! Of course any donations will be gratefully received!!


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