Thursday 5 July 2007

Taking to the hills

Welsh Hills This weekend it's time to blow the dust off my hill walking gear and get out there for some proper practise. I'm heading off to the 'mountains' of mid-Wales for an activity weekend, with the aim of getting lots of hill walking mileage under my belt. I've been doing quite a bit of up-hill walking on the treadmill, but you can't put it in reverse to go down-hill!

Well, after three weeks of dreadful weather the forecast for the weekend finally looks good - just in time! I was praying that I wouldn't have to test my wet weather gear and it looks like my prayers may be answered. Hooray! The scenery in Wales is breathtaking, but it can be pretty miserable in the rain.

I bought myself a new digital SLR the other day specifically so that I can get some good pictures in Kenya. So this weekend will be its first field trip and it will give me some much needed practise for how to set it up properly. I'll post a couple of pictures when I get back.

Also, watch this space and I will try to send a quick update from my phone to the blog by SMS. I hope to be able to use this neat facility to send some progress reports from Kenya - at least as long as I have a signal. So, I'll try a quick message from on top of a Welsh mountain this weekend (if I remember!).

Well, I call them mountains. Actually they are only between 3,000 and 3,500 feet high (or about 1000m). Just a pimple compared to Mt. Kenya, but hey - at least I'll get some uphill and downhill walking practise!

OK, time to pack my bags...


At 11 July 2007 at 09:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

Looking at getting or hiring a decent camcorder as I want to get some good footage of trek and make a cracking DVD afterwards. Your pics seem pretty good.



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