Sunday 12 August 2007

This little light of mine

So I went shopping on Saturday for the gear that I'll need for the trek. Once again I went to the local outdoor specialist armed with my kit list so that I could get just about everything in one go. That's when I discovered that even a simple thing like a torch can be a complicated purchasing decision!

According to the list a head torch is the best bet, because it leaves both your hands free and is easier for walking after dark and for reading once tucked up inside your sleeping bag. OK, well that should be simple - go to the shop assistant and say 'I'll have a head torch please'. How wrong can I be...

Do you want an LED torch, or a regular bulb? How long does it need to last? How many lumens? Do you want a thick headband, or a thin headband? Do you need variable intensity? What about strobe light? Oh and you can have just white, or white and red LED's! Then , of course, you can have the batteries in the torch, or you can have a separate battery pack. Hmm.

Aparently the best ones have about 5 LED's can can throw a beam 50 metres, have four different intensity levels and can strobe white or red in an emergency. Well, I just wanted to be able to read in the tent and go the loo in the night! So, I finally settled on the poor mans option of a simple 2 LED head torch with an on/off switch! I hope everything else isn't as complicated as this to buy!

Now, where are the walking socks...?


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