Wednesday 8 August 2007

Starting to panic

Jambo and Karibu!

Well, as I type there are almost exactly four weeks to go before the challenge begins. In fact we will be in the air en-route to Nairobi! The trouble is I still have loads to do to get ready and I'm running out of time rapidly.

The good news is that I've had my booster jabs, got my maleria prescription and obtained my Kenya visa, so we're getting there slowly. I think this weekend will be another trip to the local outdoor specialists to try to stock up on more kit. I was looking at the kit list last night and there's a whole load of stuff still to get hold of - my poor old bank account!

Never mind, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. I just reviewed the final itinerary with our partners, Trailblazers, and it's looking good. The folks that come on the trek are going to see both sides of Kenya... The breathtaking beauty, and the desperate poverty. They will also meet some fantastic people. I have found everyone I have met in Kenya to be so hospitable, willing to share whatever they have with you - and often that is not a lot.

In an odd twist of fate my next door neighbour comes from Kenya and she has been getting me to say odd words in Kiswahili. Trouble is I have a memory like a sieve and I forget it as quickly as I learn! Still my new word for this week is 'maji', which means water.

Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks for dropping by! - or I guess I should say asanti sana.


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