Thursday 2 August 2007

Only 5 weeks to go

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? After almost 18 months of planning, the trek is only five weeks away now. I confess I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing, but it's getting very real now! Time to step up a gear with my preparation.

All the big stuff is taken care of, but it's amazing just how many small things there are that need to be done. By way of example I just called Kirsty in Kenya to go over the arrangements for getting to the projects when we do our visits as part of the trek. We are fortunate to have Kirsty based out in Kenya just now as otherwise I'd have to be sorting all that from the UK. I'm just glad I have an IP phone (BT Broadband Talk of course) to make cheap phone calls! And yesterday I had to let Trailblazers have all the details of the projects - where they are, how to find them, what time we'll be there etc. I wish I knew!

Then there's all my personal gear - I've still got loads to get! Still, the good news is the super-dooper sleeping bag has arrived. Carole thinks I'm mad as I was 'testing' in in the back room the other day. I must say it is very comfy - but it had better be at that price! Next I need to test my 'Thermarest' sleeping mat. I think that will be this evenings project.

The fundraising is still going really well. I'm over £4300 now, so I'm going to change the target on Justgiving to £4500 as I've decided it doesn't encourage folks to give so well if it looks like you're over your target and I'd really like to hit £5000 if possible. A friend of mine, Chris, is also doing the challenge and together we are going to have an article in our local paper - the 'Watford Observer' so that may prompt a bit more to come in. I may invite Chris to guest post on this blog to give a bit of variety. You find Chris at

Well, that's it for now. Time to give my Thermarest its Operational Readiness Test.


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