Thursday 9 August 2007

Very Humble

Bobs Piggy Bank - click to give!What can I say? I really just wanted to quickly record my thanks to everyone who has given to sponsor me on the challenge. Your support has been nothing short of magnificent!

When I first decided to run this challenge I thought that £2000 would be a reasonable target to aim for. However, the folks at trailblazers said I should aim higher as their experience was that most people, on average, raised nearer three thousand. So, having set my sights on £3k I was delighted when we quickly broke through that mark. Since then I have modified my target to £4k then £4.5k and now the fantasic amount of £5000! I know there are still quite a few folks who have told me they are going to sponsor me, so I am really confident of breaking that target too!

What does all this mean? Well, to put it into context £5000 is about the right amount to build two school classrooms. Not too shabby! Of course, I'm not giving up at this amount so please, if you've not sponsored me yet please just take a few minutes to go onto the Justgiving site and give a few pounds. Thank you!

Update: Latest target broken already! I'm not planning to update it again, but let's keep going and see how well we can do :o)


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