Friday 17 August 2007

Getting real

Well, only 2.5 weeks to go until the big day. It's getting really close now and we are into the final preparation for the trek. I just received the e-tickets for our flights yesterday so it all seems very real now. I've also been to the docs this week to get some essential medicines to take on the trek and I'm gradually getting all the bits and pieces together that I'll need, so at least I feel a bit more prepared now.

Bob & ChrisI had a call at work today from the local paper - the Watford Observer. Chris has been in touch with them and they plan to run an article on us the week before we go. With that in mind Chris and I posed for a photo in the back garden - complete with rucksacks - to go into the paper. It's a bit cheesey, but I thought you might like a sneak preview! I guess we should have gone somewhere with a nice view of the countryside behind us. We even put our walking boots on for the picture, but that was obviously a waste of effort!

The interview with the paper was very laid back. More of a chat really. So I've no idea what the final article will look like. Still, at least I was able to give a bit more background on Vision Africa, although I'm not sure that too much will get into the article. I somehow think there will be all sorts of errors, but I'm told that any publicity is good publicity. If it appears on line I'll post a link so y'all can take a look.


At 22 August 2007 at 16:18 , Blogger Janie said...

Hey Blobs Blog. Have never been on a blog of any sort yet so felt that I had to leave a comment! You know I always have an opinion. It's great - photos and everything! Hope you will be able to communicate from Kenya so we know you're OK! Glad you have head torch. Mine was a blessing when cycling to the loo in Keswick at 2am! Keep up the training - you're going to do great! Love Janie


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