Saturday 25 August 2007

All around my hat

Quite a few people have made disparaging remarks about the beany hat that I can be seen wearing in my profile photo. If you take a look at my Justgiving Fundraising page (see the link on the right side panel) you'll see a couple of remarks there, and others have taken the trouble to call me! I never knew a hat could provoke such a response.

Well, on my recent holiday in the sun my precious hat went with me. It was very hot and sunny, so I did wear the hat a few times to avoid sun-stroke and keep the sun off my neck. I guess because we were in the tropics and the sun was overhead somehow the hat failed to do it's job and I ended up burning my neck. Doh!

Mount Kenya is bang on the equator, so the sun there also climbs overhead and is very strong. So, with great reluctance I decided to get a new hat with a wide brim to keep the sun off, since we'll be out in it all day long. Once again it was time to hit the local Outdoor specialists to find a hat.

After a brief bit of browsing I found the ideal hat, paid my money and went home happy. This is when it gets interesting (well, vaguely!) When I got home and took a look at the hat I discover that it's an all-singing, all-dancing top of the range hat - now I bet you never knew there was such a thing as a top of the range sun hat, but I can attest that there certainly is! My new hat is water resistant, breathable and has been treated with insect repellent. That's not all, it has a passport pocket, a strap so that it won't blow away and, built in cooling! It has a special headband with 'hydro cool crystals' that you can soak with water that apparently helps to keep you cool. Oh, and the hat has been tested to Bristish Standard 7914 and was awarded the highest possible sun protection rating of 30+. How neat is that!

So, my old beany hat has been relegated to the Championship while my new hat is flying high in the Premiership. Now all I need is for my football team (Watford of course) to follow suit!!


At 28 August 2007 at 11:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, the WhiteRock Outback Classic 230103-Khaki. Pioneered by James Bond on excursions to Africa, envied by the likes of MacGuyver and Chuck Norris.


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