Tuesday 4 September 2007

Best laid plans

My last night at home before setting off on the trek, so I thought I had better start getting my gear together. So I carefully got my medical stuff and packaged it into a little bag, got my wash bag sorted out, rolled my sleeping bag and mat into their stuff-sacks and started to pack. That's when it all went horribly wrong...

I had been banking on using my son's rucksack which had been in our attic for months. I'd had the thing out and had a look at it a few weeks ago, so I knew it was OK. The trouble is, it's not as big as it looks! I put in the sleeping bag, sleeping mat and travel pillow and it was nearly full! So I've no idea where my clothes and all the other stuff is going - oops.

So tomorrow morning it looks like yet another trip to our local outdoor centre to buy a bigger bag. Good job my flight isn't until the evening, otherwise I would have been in dire straights! Anyway, I spoke to Chris and he says they had some good 100 litre waterproof holdalls for not too much money - just hope they still have them in stock!

I also had a message from one of our party to say he was out of action - damaged himself moving a wardrobe and instead of climbing the mountain he'll be in hospital having an operation! Shame really, but it does show the wisdom of taking things easy in the last few weeks before the trek. I was starting to damage myself by training too hard (I guess that's what happens when you get old!!) so I really backed off in the last three weeks and feel loads better for it. I'll just be the slow and steady one at the back of the pack!

Anyway, this is my last posting before the trek gets underway. I will send short updates for as long as I can via my mobile - as long as I have a signal and my battery lasts. Wish me luck and pray that I don't damage myself.

Tally ho!


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