Friday 7 September 2007

At last - we're here!

Well here we are in Kenya at last! We arrived yesterday at 7am and after a quick breakfast we were straight off to project visits for the rest of the day. We fell into our beds exhausted at 10pm ready to get up at six to start our Mount Kenya challenge. So here we are on the Thika road with about four hours of pot holed roads in front of us before we jump out and start walking. Let the adventure begin!


At 9 September 2007 at 09:15 , Blogger Sharon said...

Hi from Watford- I am glad you all arrived safely -i hope you enjoy your adventure- Sharon (friend of Crhis L)

At 9 September 2007 at 09:16 , Blogger Sharon said...

Glad you all arrived safely- hope you all have a great adventure-sharon (friend of Chris)


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