Thursday 20 September 2007

Well, that's it then!

Here I am back in Watford after one of the most fantastic adventures in my life. I can't begin to describe how tough the challenge was, or the amazing sense of achievement when we reached to top - but we did it!! Over the next couple of weeks I plan to write up a proper account of the trek with all the highlights, and lowlights, so watch this space.

I know it's been a week since we got back down from the mountain, but this is the first chance I've had to write a quick update -I seem to have been falling asleep every evening since I returned to the UK! I guess the trek took more out of me than I realised. Still, despite the lack of sleep, the effects of altitude, the walking for up to 12 hours a day and the rain, sleet, snow and baking hot sun, it was a never to be forgotten experience.

A lot of people have been asking me about photos. Well, I took over 300 of them! so I can't post them all here, but I've put a small selection on here for you. When I get chance I will upload a lot of them onto the web so you can take a proper look. So for now, here's some pictures... and watch out for my journal of the trip coming soon!

Starting off towards Chogoria

Starting out

A Jumbo Surprise... We came round a corner and there he was!

A Jumbo Surprise

The summit from our camp at Lake Ellis

The summit from Lake Ellis

Approaching the summit at 6:30am

Approaching the summit

Made it!

Made it!

All together at the top of Point Lenana

All together at the summit

The eagle eyed among you might spot that we are one fewer at the summit than when we started out. One of our number was not feeling good at the start of our ascent, but I am pleased to say felt better after a short while and was able to make the summit shortly after we started our descent - so we all made it in the end!



At 22 September 2007 at 23:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well done Bob done it my self if did not have arthritis

At 24 October 2007 at 21:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As one of your sponsors a very big well done with a fantastic result!


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