Saturday 29 September 2007

Photos On-Line

Mount Kenya Challenge
I've finally gone ahead and posted some of the photos that I took during the trek to an on-line web album for you to take a look at. I actually took over 300 pictures, but there's a selection of about 140 that I have put into the album for you to take a look at. Please feel free to browse throught them - and you can even play them as a slideshow or download them! Click on the photo on the right to view the album.

I'm still planning to write up a bit of a journal of the trek and I will try to make a start on that next week, so keep checking back for updates. But for now - please enjoy the photos!

Thursday 20 September 2007

Well, that's it then!

Here I am back in Watford after one of the most fantastic adventures in my life. I can't begin to describe how tough the challenge was, or the amazing sense of achievement when we reached to top - but we did it!! Over the next couple of weeks I plan to write up a proper account of the trek with all the highlights, and lowlights, so watch this space.

I know it's been a week since we got back down from the mountain, but this is the first chance I've had to write a quick update -I seem to have been falling asleep every evening since I returned to the UK! I guess the trek took more out of me than I realised. Still, despite the lack of sleep, the effects of altitude, the walking for up to 12 hours a day and the rain, sleet, snow and baking hot sun, it was a never to be forgotten experience.

A lot of people have been asking me about photos. Well, I took over 300 of them! so I can't post them all here, but I've put a small selection on here for you. When I get chance I will upload a lot of them onto the web so you can take a proper look. So for now, here's some pictures... and watch out for my journal of the trip coming soon!

Starting off towards Chogoria

Starting out

A Jumbo Surprise... We came round a corner and there he was!

A Jumbo Surprise

The summit from our camp at Lake Ellis

The summit from Lake Ellis

Approaching the summit at 6:30am

Approaching the summit

Made it!

Made it!

All together at the top of Point Lenana

All together at the summit

The eagle eyed among you might spot that we are one fewer at the summit than when we started out. One of our number was not feeling good at the start of our ascent, but I am pleased to say felt better after a short while and was able to make the summit shortly after we started our descent - so we all made it in the end!


Tuesday 11 September 2007


Me at the top of Point Lenana!Made it!! What a day! We were up at 4am ready to make the final climb to the summit so we would be there in time for sunrise at 6.30. Once we admired the view we began the climb back down to our camp for breakfast, elated but exhausted. As soon as breakfast was over we began the long trek back down the mountain - we walked about 20km today and will finish tomorrow. So it's been a memorable day and I can't wait to get my walking boots off!! No more updates until I get home.



Sunday. What a couple of days we have had. Yesterday we climbed to 3500m and were lucky enough to see a large elephant along the way. Today we had a marathon eight hour walk and went as high as 4200m. The scenery is just stunning but we are all feeling the effects of the high altitude. We have a big climb ahead of us tomorrow ready for our attempt on the summit Tuesday morning. My battery is getting low now so there will be no more updates until after we reach the summit. We camped tonight at 4500m!


Friday 7 September 2007

At last - we're here!

Well here we are in Kenya at last! We arrived yesterday at 7am and after a quick breakfast we were straight off to project visits for the rest of the day. We fell into our beds exhausted at 10pm ready to get up at six to start our Mount Kenya challenge. So here we are on the Thika road with about four hours of pot holed roads in front of us before we jump out and start walking. Let the adventure begin!

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Best laid plans

My last night at home before setting off on the trek, so I thought I had better start getting my gear together. So I carefully got my medical stuff and packaged it into a little bag, got my wash bag sorted out, rolled my sleeping bag and mat into their stuff-sacks and started to pack. That's when it all went horribly wrong...

I had been banking on using my son's rucksack which had been in our attic for months. I'd had the thing out and had a look at it a few weeks ago, so I knew it was OK. The trouble is, it's not as big as it looks! I put in the sleeping bag, sleeping mat and travel pillow and it was nearly full! So I've no idea where my clothes and all the other stuff is going - oops.

So tomorrow morning it looks like yet another trip to our local outdoor centre to buy a bigger bag. Good job my flight isn't until the evening, otherwise I would have been in dire straights! Anyway, I spoke to Chris and he says they had some good 100 litre waterproof holdalls for not too much money - just hope they still have them in stock!

I also had a message from one of our party to say he was out of action - damaged himself moving a wardrobe and instead of climbing the mountain he'll be in hospital having an operation! Shame really, but it does show the wisdom of taking things easy in the last few weeks before the trek. I was starting to damage myself by training too hard (I guess that's what happens when you get old!!) so I really backed off in the last three weeks and feel loads better for it. I'll just be the slow and steady one at the back of the pack!

Anyway, this is my last posting before the trek gets underway. I will send short updates for as long as I can via my mobile - as long as I have a signal and my battery lasts. Wish me luck and pray that I don't damage myself.

Tally ho!