Saturday 29 November 2008

December update

I'm trying to keep my resolution to do at least a monthly update to my blog, so here's my update for December. I'll keep it quite short this time as I'm spending most of my spare time trying to finish off the re-design of the web site. I didn't realise when I started just how time consuming it would be; still, I'm getting there and I am still hopefull of getting it ready to launch in the New Year.

So, what's going on with Vision Africa at the moment? Quite a bit if I just sit and think about it for a minute... Following on from my Visit to Kenya last month three of our team took part in the Nairobi marathon! I hope we'll have a full report of this on the web shortly, but we are just so grateful that folks are prepared to go to these lengths to raise money for the children.

On the project front we just approved the construction of Phase 3 of the Special Needs School at Kambiti and I expect work will start immediately. This is a much needed extension to the existing facilities which will allow us to significantly increase the number of children at the school and bring the centre up to full operational status. I am very excited about this as these children are so vulnerable and this is the only school of it's type in the region.
Talking of construction... We are also moving ahead with plans to build another Seed of Hope vocational training centre. At the request of our Kenya Chairman we are looking to build our fifth centre in the town of Luanda in the Western province of Kenya. It's early days just now, but hopefully we will be able to start in earnest on this one in the New Year.
Lastly, if you're a Facebook user please sign up for our new Facebook group and I will post occasional updates there and a few photos etc. The group is called Vision Africa: Give a Child a Future and you can find it here:

OK, that's it for this month. I expect the next update will be when I have some time over the Christmas holidays, so meantime let me wish you a very Happy Christmas. Thank you for your support.


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