Monday 7 January 2008

Crisis in Kenya

I guess most of you will have seen and heard of the increasing humanitarian crisis in Kenya. Reports in the press and on TV are horific and it seems now that many hundreds have been killed and many hundreds of thousands have been displaced. In the midst of this Vision Africa is doing what we can to help.

I have been getting regular updates from our folks in Kenya and in the main they are OK, although Gerald was beaten up and had his home destroyed as did one of the members of our Kibera football committee. However, we are thankful that they are safe and alive. I have posted all the recent updates to our news pages, so please check out for more infomation.

We have started to do what we can to help. Both Vera and Deborah have been able to take food and clothing to the thousands of displaced people in Nairobi parks. Gerald will be taking in children from these displaced families into our school in Riruta.

We will do whatever we can to help as many children as possible. Of course this will put many strains on our resources, so I have today launched an appeal for help. If you can give money to help us to help these desparate children, please, please! visit our new justgiving page at

For those of you with a faith, I would also appeal for your prayers. We have staff and associates in both Nairobi and futher afield in Kenya. Please pray for their safety and that we will be able to do as much as possible to help in these very troubling times. Also pray for our ongoing work as business will continue as near to normal as possible.

Thank you for your support.


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