Saturday 28 March 2009

Drought continues

If you've had a look at our news pages you will have seen that drought is once again causing problems for the people of Kenya. Of course, it is the destitute that suffer most because they cannot just head for the supermarkets and pay the inflated prices for food. We are seeing drought affecting our work as we are having to pay the extra costs to supplement the food that would have normally been grown locally, and pay the higher prices too.

For us the drought comes at a difficult time because the current economic climate also means people are more reluctant to part with their money, or in some cases simply don't have the money any longer due to redundancy etc.. We've also lost a few sponsors which puts extra strain on our finances. So we have increasing demand, increasing costs and potentially decreasing income. This will be a key focus for us at our next Board meeting in April as we look at our priorities for the coming year. Meantime, if you are able to help even with a small donation we would be really grateful.

Changing the topic... We now have a group on Facebook, so if you're on Facebook please join the group! We've set ourselves a challenge to get 500 supporters on there and we are about half way just now. You can find us here:

Anyway, that's all for now. Please keep an eye on our news pages for the latest updates and for our Spring newsletter which will be out soon.


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