Monday 21 September 2009

The big challenge

I often struggle to think what to say on this blog, which is why there are sometimes long gaps between posts. Actually there's a lot to say, but I don't want to bore people with the same old things all the time. But this month, I really want to use the blog to say thank you.

We recently entered the Global Giving challenge to win a spot on the Global Giving web site. This is a big deal for us because it's a great avenue for our US based supporters to be able to give to our work in a Tax efficient way. Winning a permanent presence on Global Giving opens the door for new sources of much needed funding.

The challenge for us was to get a minimum of 50 unique donors to give at least $4000 (about £2500) in one month. Our chosen project was to provide support for our Seed of Hope programme which really does need extra support at this time, especially as we lost a major benefactor earlier this year. Seed of Hope is a wonderful programme which provides vocational training for destitute teenage girls who would otherwise have little to look forward to in life.

Well, using the power of the web, facebook and twitter and our email list we put out the appeal and I am so pleased to say our friends and supporters responded magnificently. We made our challenge goal with a few days to spare and we now have our place on GG. Well done and thank you!! It really is good to know that even in this time of recession, which is proving a bit of a struggle for us, that there are lots of folks out there still willing to give. My sincere thanks to all.

Now, what's next on the list? Ah yes, sponsorship for the Kibera Football.


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