Friday 17 July 2009

Keeping up to date

I don't think I'm very good at this blog thing. I never seem to manage to find the time to sit down and post anything!

There's been a lot going on with Vision Africa over the past few months so I hope you've managed to keep up with the news on our web site. If you're interested I have just issued our Summer 2009 newsletter, which you can find here:

I guess the main thing that concerns me just now is the impact of the worldwide economic situation, which is having serious consequences for our work. In Kenya inflation is running high and even the basics (food!) are costing considerably more. This means that more people a falling even deeper into poverty and more children need our support, however our costs are significantly increasing for the same reason. Add to this the significant downturn in giving and you can quickly see that we are under real financial pressure. The impact of this is that we have to make hard decisions about what projects we can support in the coming year and how to best deploy our resources for maximum impact.

Our AGM is coming up soon and this conundrum will certainly be top of our agenda.

As a Christian organisation we very much believe in the power of prayer. We know that many of our supporters share this belief and so we have decided to introduce the concept of prayer partners. It's just a simple email mailing list really, but it will allow us to share our needs with those who are willing to set aside a little time to pray for our work. If you're interested in joining please take a look here: Thank you.

Anyway, that's it for now. Don't forget you can also find us on facebook and now on twitter! Check out the newsletter for details.


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