Thursday 21 January 2010

The blog is dead, long live the blog!

Or I guess I should say... The Chairman's blog is dead, long live the Staff blog!

This will be the final post on the old Vision Africa Chairmans Blog powered by 'Blogger' as we have moved to a new 'Wordpress' powered staff blog. This new blog gives us the opportunity to open the blog up to other Vision Africa staff members so we should be able to bring you more frequent updates.

Thanks to everyone who has followed my blog over the past two and a half years. All the old posts have been moved over and I'll still be posting on the new blog so please change your bookmarks to point at and if you're following via RSS feed, please change your feedreader settings to

Thanks... See you on the new Blog!


Saturday 2 January 2010

A new year, a new challenge.

Well, before I try to put my thoughts in order for this blog posting let me start the year by wishing you a very happy new year! If you're a regular Vision Africa supporter let me offer my sincere thanks for your support in 2009. And thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

I suppose the traditional thing to do at this time of year is to look back on the previous year and highlight successes and challenges, as well as looking forward to the coming year. So, let me try to do that in not too many words.

For me 2009 was probably the most challenging year for Vision Africa since we started (the word 'challenge' seems to feature a lot at the moment!). It was a year when the realities of global recession took hold and made themselves felt in our world. For Vision Africa it meant less income, fewer sponsors and increased costs due to rising food prices, drought causing food shortages and more children in proverty, and the cumulative impact of the generally poor economic situation. Much stricter financial planning has been, and continues to be, key to our viability and continuing the good work we have built up over the past eight or nine years.

Here in the UK the impact is one on budgets and decision making, but in Africa it is upon lives. We have had to force our Field Directors to make some difficult decisions and choices about which projects we could continue to support and to what level. The main priority, of course, being to continue to help as many of the most needy and vulnerable children as possible. I am pleased to say they responded magnificently and with great imagination to allow us to continue to be amazingly effective.

One of the key selling points of a charity like ours are the low overheads and value for money we offer to our supporters (see my previous posts for thoughts on this subject). This is still the case and will continue to be our goal in the year ahead. I think you will agree that we cover a lot of ground and are extremely effective for a fairly small charity.

There is a lot we would like to do in 2010. However, our priority will be maintaining the work we have already started and ensuring continuing support to our existing projects. When finances allow we will look towards further expansion, but for now we must cut our cloth to suit our means. One project we will move forward with if circumstances allow is to relocate our Nairobi Seed of Hope Centre from the current rented property to a more purpose built centre. It has been a frustration to us for a long time that we have to rent property which sees money dissapearing for little benefit, so this will be a priority in 2010.

The big area of change over 2009 and into 2010 is with our Staff. 2009 saw the retirement of founder and Field Director John Packard, and the promotion to Field Director of Deborah Kimathi alongside co-director Vera Packard. Vera is now in the process of handing the reigns over to Deborah in many respects, so I suspect 2010 will see further changes in this respect. As we look back on 2009 I must put firmly on record my thanks to John and Vera for all they have done for Vision Africa, from first concept in 2001 until the present day. Thanks to their tirelss energy and vision many thousands of children now have much brighter prospects of a secure future. I have huge confidence in Deborah as she continues to drive our work forward in 2010 and would also thank her for her tremendous contribution to the success of Vision Africa and her seemingly boundless energy!

The other area of staff changes are with our Child Sponsorship programme. In Kenya Vera has handed over the day to day running of this to Vincent Kegode, and in the UK our long time sponsorship secretary Betty Waugh is in the process of handing over to our new sponsorship secretary - Tracey Kennedy. Tracey brings further diversification of our UK voluntary staff as she is based in Northern Ireland. It's good to have strong representation from England, Scotland and Northern Irleand - all we need now is the Welsh connection! Huge thanks go to Betty for everything she has done for Vision Africa over the years, and a big welcome to Tracey!

I will finish thinking about Staff matters with a word of thanks to all our staff in Kenya for their contributions in 2009. I've mentioned our Field Directors, but there are others that should be recognised: Kirsty McLullich for her admin and fundraising activities and for keeping the news, facebook and twitter up-to-date; Vincent for his work in managing the sponsorship programme and his role in Kibera football; Maureen Mwende for the Crafted programme and John Kiboro for his continuing dedication to Vision Africa and Kandara Children's home. Also I would mention the members of our Kenya council of Reference, volunteers and interns who have spent time with us, and not least all those who are engaged in the running and supporting of our various projects. Thank you all!

So, here we stand on the threshold of another year. Lots of challenges behind us and lots more to come. I am looking forward to heading back out to Kenya in February to see first hand how your money is being spent and to help with some of the transition planning that is currently taking place. I hope I will be able to bring you a good report back sometime in March. Meantime I would value your thoughts and prayers as we step into 2010. Together we will make a difference and together we will give many more children the future they deserve. Thank you!